What is Seller Activation Rate, and how do you calculate it?

In short – Percentage of registered sellers who become active on the marketplace. A key marketplace metrics you should track.

Seller Activation Rate Formula

Seller Activation Rate = (Number of Active Sellers ÷ Number of Registered Sellers) × 100%

Seller Activation Rate measures the proportion of registered sellers who have transitioned from merely signing up to actively listing products or engaging in sales within a specific time frame. This metric is crucial for understanding the effectiveness of seller onboarding processes and identifying barriers to seller activation.

Improving Seller Activation Rate can lead to increased product variety and supply on the marketplace, enhancing its attractiveness to buyers. Monitoring this metric helps identify issues in the seller onboarding journey and optimize processes to encourage more sellers to become active.

How can you find your Seller Activation Rate?

You should generally be able to calculate your Seller Activation Rate with tools you already posess. If that's not the case, signing up for an analytics tool may make sense.

Among others, twosided is one of the tools you could consider. Out-of-the-box, you'll get over two dozens marketplace KPIs and detailed tracking for your supply, demand and other factors that determine marketplace health.

Marketplace and Stripe Connect analytics you'll love.

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